15+ Charming Diy Dorm Room Decorating Ideas On A Budget

How do you turn your dorm room into a lovely, relaxing and peaceful space? Does it need a major renovation or a simple fix? Although renovation would be great, it does not usually fit your limited budget. So it would be great if you just add some accents to make things look new.

Here are some simple renovation ideas which will definitely help you transform your dorm room into a charming space.

  • Think of a design that fits your unique personality.

There are lots of designs that you can see online through do-it-yourself sites but to make your room truly comfortable, you need to make it personalized. It does not only add the aesthetic value of the room, it makes the room conducive for rest. In choosing accents, the design should have a part of you. There are different college dorm rugs available for you. Make sure that the design you choose blends with what you want the room to look after the redecoration.

  • Try rearranging the furniture pieces inside you room.

Most probably, your room has a table, bed, chair, dresser, and desk. By simply rearranging them, you can make a huge difference in the whole look and feel of the room. If your bed is set near the window, you can place it on the other side of the wall opposite your locker. This way you can save extra space.

  • Remove all unnecessary furnishings and stuffs inside the room.

It is common for college students to be very busy with their schedule thus their room suffers the lack of time. Removing all clutters around your room will definitely work best. It frees up lots of space and organizes everything inside your room. If you find a box of useless papers, you can toss them all out as you will not need them in the future. A cluttered room can even add up with your worries and it hinders your capacity to rest when you arrive from school.

  • Add some accents to your room.

There are lots of cheap accents that you can add in your room. Aside from the lovely college dorm rugs mentioned earlier, you can still put in some wall clippings or murals. These are colorful, cheap and fun crafts that will definitely convey your personality. It eliminates the need to repaint the room or add expensive wall papers. Usually, these murals can come as old school posters, a compilation of postcards or projects, or you can make collage colorful pictures. All this will make your room cozy and unique.

  • Change your beddings and linen with fresher designs.

Be sure that you pick one design that goes well with your college dorm rugs and beddings. Some shops sell these products as one whole set complete with beddings, curtain, pillow cases, and college dorm rugs. Other shops even add custom made works such as table lining or cover. It would be best to avail of these products as you will not need to hop on from one shop to another to find drapes with similar designs.

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